Visionary Eyes Series: Why Are New Innovations Hindered and Labeled?

Why Are New Innovations Hindered 
and Labeled for Visionaries?
by Margo Renay Sullivan 
January 2015

When Award winning and Industry recognized Engineer and Scientist David Kelley of Stanford and IDEO, asks us as a human collective: Where is our Creative Confidence? Where are the Innovators? Where are the new Inventors? Why are so many solutions not yet effective in our society? 

The answer is clear. Very few true innovators or visionaries are freely honored and encouraged for their unveiling of an inspired solution that may appear to be impossible. Creative solutions rising from the combination of science and spirit is shoved back into the closet of doubts and suspicions. Weaving Spirit and Science together is often assumed to be like mixing oil and water or cats and dogs.  Ironically, they are partners in solutions. Not adversaries. Collaborators with solutions.

Here is the reason why so many creative and simple solutions remain sealed backstage: Historically, spirit and science Visionaries are tagged as 'goof balls'.  Geniuses such as Nikko Tesla and Albert Einstein were both tagged and labeled repeatedly even thought they continued to trust in their natural inspirations. They JUST KNEW.  

Those who are gently inspired in synchronicity must often PROVE the unseen and unprovable. Quantum physics and sciences are only beginning to even touch 1% of the capacity of our Consciousness. Thus, the Visionary must be so assured and trusting of the new concept, that nothing can deter its introduction. Such a visionary must engage in constant challenge to actual create the very passion s/he is here on earth to introduce....and that will surely change or shift the system in which its very solution is vital to our continued healthy and natural growth and wisdom.

This trend is prevalent whether we are conversing about global health and healing, environment and design, technology and space , energy resources, societal structures and rituals, education, or even basic elements to human life such as food and water. There is a deeply embedded resistance in human nature for allowing the simplest solutions to be fully engaged and accepted without concurrent physical proof. Many new Visionaries often encounter requests and funds to proof a new idea by replicating the solution millions of times to secure its outcome. The irony is that true nature and quantum physics dictate that no experience is truly repeated but once. Even such proof is variable. And that contributes to the false truths. 

Science is battling itself. It dismisses new potentials based on a perception or fear that the tried systems will need proof first. It is understandable in this world. Yet such a demand for proof must be tempered with the possible ease in its impossible outcome. I submit this example from a powerful group of influence and education, TED.  I have followed its origins and continued growth for a decade now and it is very influential and very reflective of our growing consciousness and creativity in a diverse human community.

Yet even this powerful group of influence has outlined guidelines that exclude new potentials and limit new solutions without physical proof. Therefore, many evolved solutions sit in the hearts of true creative visionaries labeled as Goof Ball or without validation and credit. 

This is the conflict that a true Visionary with a complementary understanding of both science and spirit faces ~ the knowing of inner Soul dynamics not fully exposed in the physical worlds. Can we allow the new solutions by creating a more accepting and variable platform of blending science and spirit in action? Our new Visionaries require trust and acceptance in these coming times.


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