The Real and Authentic Series: 6th Dimensional New Energy

The Real and Authentic Series:
The Butterfly Emerges 
6th Dimensional Human Energy
ft. Celia Fenn

The accelerated transitions and changes on the Earth have also had a parallel accelerated change and transition in your bodies. Many of you may have felt the tensions and anxieties as your Light Body and Physical Body went into another recalibration to higher frequencies of Light. You may have found it very difficult to cope with the perceived density of life around you, and the drama and manipulation of the old emotional and mental paradigms of life. You may have yearned and longed for real heart centered relationships and a real family or community to be part of your life.

These are all "symptoms" of moving beyond the old templates of life on Earth and emerging into a New Reality where you are able to manifest and create on Timelines in a Magical manner. Your Heart is the center of this reality, and you feel within yourself the Magic arising all around you, the Divine Creative intelligence, waiting to work with you to shape and create a New Reality.

As the Butterfly emerges, you are reborn to a Higher level of Consciousness, and you are entering another level of Reality that is a natural progression or Evolution of the process of Light Body Activation that is being guided by the Gold Ray of the Christ Consciousness, the Galactic Diamond Light and the Platinum Ray. If you are ready to move with the incoming Light Codes and move through the 6D Portals, then you will already have been through the previous phases of the Ascension Process:

Full Activation of the Light Body with the 13 Chakra Vortex system. This includes the activation of the Christ Consciousness through the Gold Ray, and the activation of the Twin Flame energies through the Magenta and Turquoise Rays. Then the Diamond Light will activate the Galactic levels, together with the Platinum Ray. This Light Body activation will open the High Heart Center and will also enlarge and adapt the Throat Chakra and recalibrate it with the Brow and Crown and Soul Star Chakras, via the Pineal Gland, and to a lesser degree, the Pituitary and Thyroid glands. This can cause intense anxiety, intense dreams and heart palpitations, as these new "super chakras" come online. It will be a temporary process.

Mastery of Time, the 4th Dimension. Those who break through the 3rd Dimensional levels begin to see Time/Space as a fabricated illusion. They perceive that Time/Space can be created or manifested through Timelines, and that when they emerge as "Masters of Time", they are not imprisoned within the Timelines or narratives of others. They are able to generate their own timelines and their own stories, and create and shape Time and Reality accordingly.

Mastery of the 5th Dimension of Unity Consciousness and Inter-connection. Here you will have moved beyond the simple "survival" mentality of the individual to a wider understanding of how all life forms are connected in a single conscious organism or being called "Gaia" or Earth, and how each one of us is an expression of that Reality. As you create your timelines and stories, you will do so with an awareness of the Creative Center, the Divine Heart, and an awareness of all the other stories created by others which are also expressions of the One Heart of Love and Creation.

You will have already grounded yourself and connected to the Earth Heart through your Earth Star Chakra. You will be ready to activate Earth Magic and to work with the Elemental and Fairy Realms, and with all the beings of Light that work and create in the Dimensions of Earth. You will have mastered the processes of Conscious Transition, within your life, and from different dimensions and realities, as part of your mastery of timelines and creation.

You will be ready to incorporate the realms of Dream, Magic and Archetype into your Timelines and to create Reality using these powerful and primal energies. You will be ready to move between timelines, between dimensions and between realities in a Conscious and purposeful way as a Conscious Creator. As you emerge fully to this level of Consciousness, you will understand that it is time to unfurl your wings and become the bright and beautiful butterfly of Light that you are! An Infinite Soul in Human Form, and Angel of Light in manifestation, a powerful creative energy working in a Conscious way with the Divine Creative Intelligence to manifest a New Earth and a New Reality!



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