Q~Style Creative Series: The Diamond Essence

Q~Style Creative Series 
Written by Margo Renay Sullivan

The Q~Style Design flowing with the White and Gold Diamond Energy is created in an endless stream of new potentials. It is the advent of a new style of creation that does not force or fire the rock to create it. The diamond continues to fluidly move through our awareness sparkling and glowing.

My particular 'diamond' of many galaxies is vibrant and full of refined colors and tones from beyond. It flows into everything we create. And I call it 'the heaven of many diverse and cultural experiences' and imaginations of our circular spectrum from the heart. This design merges the elegance of crystalline silvers and tender touches in pink, blue, peach and gold of the diamond sparkles now energizing our world.

Allow the cosmic gamma rays to create in concert with you now. Allow the diamond energy to flow through and spark the truth of your Being. It’s now an expanding holographic experience beyond the mind's eye. It’s Consciousness. It’s Creation by Choices. It’s a White Gold Presence moving into play and coming to a theater of your choosing. I AM.

For The Love Of Creation Design Gallery 


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