The Aquiline Ray ~ The Mother Consciousness
Amanda Clark Copyrighted |
The Aquiline Ray ~
The Mother Consciousness ~
Margo Renay Sullivan January 18, 2016
"The Aquiline Ray is also known as the Mother Arc Hubs ~ Threefold Founder Flame. The following is a simple simple summary of what this energy of Cosmic Heart is. The Mother ARC Hubs or MAH is a very authentic emergence of our DNA coding that was dormant.
It is thriving now and opening new vestiges into new worlds. It's not a quest or pilgrimage or Virgin Mary programming. This connection via our Seed Atoms allows for a truly multi-dimensional beginning balancing of the Cosmic masculine and feminine. Most of our DNA is coded with colors, tones, and basic symbols {eg numbers} and yet its very free flowing and liquid light in nature when ignited. I have experienced these openings and continued over the past decade. I welcome the million now engaged!"
~ Margo Renay Sullivan ~
AND an Excerpt from Lisa Renee
"The Earth Core Chakra is Aquamarine and connects to the Universal Mother Arc into the base of the 12D shield 12" below the feet and into the earth core. This is the real Aqua Ray activation of Mother Arc which returns the Blue Ray to the Mother.
To connect with the Threefold Founder Flame under Aqua Blue Ray, and reclaim our Mother of God principle for the planet and humanity, we connect to the Aqua Blue Ray of Mother Arc.
It is through uniting with our Mother Principle, the Mother Arc 13th Pillar and 13th Aqua Ray that we are led into the Ascended Master fields of the Rainbow Rays, and into the Aurora time continuum to connect to the liquid light of Pale Aqua Rays shining from the Aqualine Sun'."
~ Lisa Renee ~
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