The Heart Consciousness Series: I AM Reality State of Being

Anna Dittmann Artwork
The I AM ~ A Reality State of Being
by Margo Renay Sullivan
February 1, 2016

A Message for Visionary Friends and Innovative Creators:

I observe so many claiming their I AM followed by blaming and shaming each other in the process. I too have walked through these mental graveyards and the staging of stories in the past. Its a very subtle and discreet difference between the acting and the knowing. 

Your Presence is creative and unfolds from the Heart. That High Heart engages far far beyond the human levels of the mind. Consciousness flows in the human body through the heart... and to keep it simple, the mind serves that consciousness.Chasing your I AM through the thorough ways of your mind will circle backwards over and over. Attaching to the chase whether it is lead by a group, by a guru or a prolific drama queen... matters not. 

Its not 'being the I AM' or even talking the 'I AM catch phrase' in endless chants. Its the knowing you are the I AM. Its claiming and feeling it. Abundantly. Clearly. Consciously. Always. Its not chasing it or trying it or imagining it. ITS KNOWING IT. My I AM is colorful and dynamic and in quantum designs and patterns. It does not thrive in old black and grey and brown tones. Those are the old dull constructs that draw the same to its corners. My I AM does not engage to twist or turn energy into compliance. My I AM is walking within me and reminding me of all of the facets of creation in this form with patience and immense love.

In closing, may I add that this Space called FOR THE LOVE OF CREATION is not for the faint of heart or the young players of the limited mind. Its Grace filled Creation. Its the Song of Sovereignty. And its A Compassionate Sacred Space to engage mature visions and expanded potentials that facilitate an empowered Creation through GAIA. I have repeated discovered that its often imperative to ask for guidance and for internal balance from those with multiple perspectives. I have asked many in expanded forms of mastery and cosmic style to join my call for new Creations.

With great honors and respect,

Margo Renay Sullivan.



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