The Diamond as One ~ Cosmic Energy Simplicity


I am blessed with my I AM Soul Self always lovingly reminding me.  It is not about one per se.  It is about the many frequencies and vibrations as facets of One Diamond containing billions of colors and experiences ~ in the Cosmos. 

Self Love is the code and key to opening the flood gates.  Its true that none are separate. Yet each bring a unique gift on the spectrum of vibratory scales.  To know thyself through loving thyself can only be felt in the individual heart. 

The rest is a part of a grand set design by mass consciousness from our own Consciousness Studio. Its no different than many films and actors in production under one studio roof. It's simple! in gratitude!  And in that studio, film reviews and critiques go on in order to advance the wisdom for the next one anew. 

~ Margo Renay Sullivan ~ 


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