The Real and Authentic Series: Meg Blackburn Losesy
Real and Authentic Series:
The Changes in the Human Body
ft. Med Blackburn Losey
December 21, 2016
Excerpt 1:
The individual harmonics of the pyramids are due to their locations having different resonance in and upon the earth, their relations to celestial bodies, the angulations at which time they are built, which star was used as cosmic north (this is VERY important because it has everything to do with the harmonics of the pyramid and their relationships to all things), and even their methods and materials of construction. But there is more.
Excerpt 2:
The nature of the Star Gates is that they are not always open or closed. They are dependent upon certain conditions of events and movement of Creation as it is a living organism of which you are a part. It takes powerful events as we have spoken to you of in your past to activate these doorways through Creation and their ensuing hallways for travel. Those who came in the before times, the times in other beginnings upon your planet will be able to move through these pathways easily if they choose to visit their progeny, that which is you.
The seeds they planted millions of years ago and then again and again that became what is now human beings are relatives to those of the stars. In the oral traditions of nearly all of the indigenous people you will find that they speak of this clearly. What they say is true. You did not just creep out of the primordial ooze and become human beings, your DNA was altered multiple times to ensure that your systems operations were correct and that your functionality and ability to learn and discern as well as to feel and emote were intact and functional.
Excerpt 3:
Most of you know by now that your DNA is changing. No it is not growing 12 strands, that is an error which was misinterpreted since each of you exist on every plane of reality and the basis of the reality is the first 12 dimensions. In those dimensions and amongst them, your DNA communicates through your consciousness. They are indelibly connected. Your DNA has nearly 90% that is considered unused. The truth is that is is used but in ways separate from what your biology dictates. It is the finer frequencies that you find in the so called junk DNA that work with your consciousness indelibly connected and remember and act upon that which has always been.
Excerpt 4:
How you are changing is that you are awakening to different parts of yourselves. You have no higher self. You are already that because within you is the totality of memory of all that is, has ever been and is possible. We say what is possible because you can direct your entirety by use of your few will, the ability to make new choices in any circumstances. What we are saying is that in the coming times whatever you desire is yours as long as you let down your defenses and walk the earth in absolute truth as our vehicle has spoken above.
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