The Real and Authentic Series: Energetic Consent by Jennifer Hoffman
Energetic Consent
by Jennifer Hoffman
Self Empowerment through Energetic Consent is a Vital Tool on this evolving range of Timelines now being integrated and merged in our current reality. Thank you Jennifer Hoffman for this clear reminder about how we consciously choose what we wish to experience and grow from and simply what we do not give permission for.
'We end the manipulation by stating clearly and powerfully what we will energetically consent to, which creates a bigger energy container for the energies we want, and sets our energetic boundaries to limit the presence of energies we don’t want.Energetic consent is how we control energy flows into and out of our lives and since we are energetic beings, knowing how we work with energy becomes one way that we can be fully aligned with our intention for our lives and for the world.When we’re aware of the power and potential of our energetic consent, we ensure that our attention and intention are fully aligned, there is a clear path for energy to flow into, and we have greater control over our movement between dimensional realities. We’re moving back and forth, from 3D to higher dimensions, creating large reality gaps that are more easily navigated when we pay attention to what we are energetically consenting to, aligning our intention and attention to becoming containers for the highest frequencies and vibrations possible'.
~ Jennifer Hoffman
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