~ Your Senses Are Projectors Not Receivors ~ via James Tyberonn

~♥~ The Crysto- Electric Auric As the Manifold of Power ~
via James Tyberonn; http://www.earth-keeper.com/

~ Your Senses Are Projectors Not Receivors ~ "All of your senses, all of your chakric centers are mechanisms of mental creation, thought-particle- accelerators that create , indeed that form all that you sense around you.

The fact is your senses are not developed to enable awareness of a pre- existing material world, but rather to actually create it. Indeed everything you sense is a manifestation of your individual and group ' thought construction'.

The core problem humanity has in comprehending this great Truth is due to the fact that you believe the amazing imagery and sounds you physically sense pre-exist in a 3d world whether you sense them or not. They do not. Your chakras and senses not only interpret what you see, smell, taste, touch and hear, they are the very creation tools you utilize in creating and manifesting them into material expression."

I AM Archangel Metatron


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