Command the Heaven Within YOU ~ via Margo Renay

Command the Heaven Within You
written by Margo Renay Sullivan
January 2012

♥HEAL Thyself.
♥LOVE  Thyself.
♥TRUST Thyself.
♥BE Thyself.

And when you can feel that way every day...
YOU are Home as the Divine Angel.
And we will laugh at why 
we created so much drama and complexity
to get to the simplest of our truths.

For when your Self Love commands,
you command the heaven within you. 
And suddenly, the multi-dimensions
and complexities are easy to grasp.
Thus, your True ♥Heart is in Full Command.

Flowing Natural Freedom. Sharing Elegant Wisdom.
Living Joy. Expressing Beauty.

Being The Creative Intelligent Presence 
of the Sovereign YOU.


  1. That's 'me'... I feel IT every moment and I already laugh at mysefl a lot..... hahahahaha and make the others laugh too ! How did we play sooo well... our silliness goes with the drama.... silliness being the main ingredient for the soup we were in....
    I love it a thousand times as I was the main player in my own creations ! We blew Hollywood and Bollywood ! hahahaha We came back home with soooo many stories to tell, so much experience, so many 'scars' !!!!!!!!!! Celebration time of our wonderful and beautiful 'movie' of our own lives in the hollogame / gram :)))))))))

  2. That is soo the Divine Director IN You... The energy and the laughter and the love of life you expressed so well. Pure Heart Consciousness. Expanding in all ways. And now, I am speechless. ~♥~

  3. How come I never recieved your reply ????? oh I see, it waited for the Month of May to reveal itself to me !!!!!! And yet, a new 'happening' is on the go... no return back... Living in perpetuel bliss is happening right here right now... so much of the veil to un-cover ! How on Earth did we accept all those assignments ? My Soul is saying 'calm down now, let the things unfold...' And so it is !!!!!! 'For the good of all is my main purpose'... Now, I'm the speechless one... I see I feel that IT IS POSSIBLE !!!!!!
    Blessing all the distractions on our way, now we know how to surf around them and let them have their own lives.... starting by our own creations...
    I have to publish your blog again.... Love you Margo Renay Sullivan xx

    1. Its the 'Quantum Designer' You are..."Show me this at the Beginning of the Eclipes...the Equinoxes...the Solstices....and the Magical Transforming or Alchemizing of the stories...a prelude.

      Its the gift of Syncronicity and the Divine Timing...Focused and Creatively Confidant and truly Commanded by this amazing Source Energy we call the Energy of LOVE...its not tied to time or wrapped up in tubes or controlling perceptions...its Pure Heart Consciousness and WISDOM. And you N. Elayne are made of such energy. I honor you.

      with love and laughter and lots of new treasures to create.
      Margo Renay Sullivan. ~♥~


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