The Use of 'New Energy' as The Master Ace Card

The Use of 'New Energy' 
as The Master Ace Card
by Margo Renay Sullivan
February 3, 2015 
posted December 8, 2015

I have noticed recently a huge upsurge and plethora of New Quantum Energy titles in books, workshops, and web sites. I could list 100 pages of unique words and titles with many common threads used to attract its readers and participants.Is it so called cutting edge? Is it new? Is it advanced? Is it real? And most important, is it another commercial vehicle to sell mastery? Or is this energy the new YOU? and ME? 

The new truth of our existence and what we asked for?  It seems to be the so called 'catch' all energy...and it surely imitates, copies, and replicates the circle of mastery. It simply serves its creator and all of the aspects/facets that engage it. And yet, how does it serve all of us?

Let me share a few insights from my own experiences. 

As My Presence runs through me in expanded awareness , I have noticed a consistent sense of 'overwhelm' feeling within me as these professional and well meaning sites pop feels like the rushing and rapid waters clashing on the rocks. They seem to sing the same song and melody:

'Don't force it. Just Pretend Peace and it will come. This site or book or forum or class will force it for you if its needed...Do not worry about healing yourself. We will tell you what to feel and heal it for you.'  

There are so many titles of 'spiritual power' projected now in all social media sources and mediums including The Big Grid Builder, Master Portal 'Ground Walker' {as opposed to Sky Walker} teamed with Karma Breaker Breaker ~ Is this my Soul? Others titles include.... Feminine Goddess Healer Priestess Warrior, Master of The Universal No Color Energy, Twin Teacher of Unique Nothingness, New Energy Quick Healing followed by High High Blah Blah Blah Christ of blank blank.

Oh my Self! Breathe and let it go! Breathe? Let Go?

We need a breath for every story not told in these creative adventures. Its often our human way to lots of detail to distract and keep adding lots of colors and layers and words to one creation and that leads to a million new aspects of ourselves and the Story. Even the sciences are being inundated with creations that focus on new energy mentoring using blank blank, and space dot this and re wire that that and if you do will be a master of your very own time and space. As I wrote earlier in an article about Goof Balls, this is in part why the old communities resist new innovations. Too much talk and too little new experiences...and new eyes.

Let me be very clear. My experience suggests that some of the Angelics, Masters and Other Cosmic Beings with lots of experiences and enlightenment often choose to channel to groups and actively reach out to our human worlds. They do so by triggering crazy and outlandish stories and dreams that we ask for in the first place.  These methods can move the stages and scenes of this world into more awareness and new learning. To open the buried treasures in new ways and very new potentials. 

A great third person spiritual story can teach...and include the messy story details too. However, the true and most important tool is...THE EXPERIENCE. Its the sharing of a personal experience or what really touches and reaches us inside and out...for our Soul and for other Individualized Souls. The internal being we are creates the external world here by expressing and creating the to communicate without experiences or personal reflections and most important, the feeling and the passion, leaves all of the participants in these creations...empty. And that is why so many brilliant mentors fall aside.

I have experienced this and I have created in this way too...its why I recognize it. So I asked my Presence for clarity. Why do I feel disconnected? Why do I feel the lack of authenticity? The answer came as it always an instant feeling.

The answer?  Its not authentic and understood fully to your Whole Soul Consciousness until you experience it...and then expand in wisdom. Sharing the wisdom also creatively and passionately ignites the inner seeds at atomic levels. It does not matter if the experience is small or large or copied or repeated...or quantum or just linear. Its all energy and its all experiences that create our story and expands into gifts to share and receive. Now of course there are other forms of detailed knowledge and wisdom in our vast Creation. I am simply addressing a few points here and now. I also felt this second point very clearly. These forms and forums and sites and books and films and presentations are part of the triggers to adventures and stories and experiences and passions and desires we hold within. So it facilitates the true experience.

My experience suggests to ask and engage from your own fresh eyes first. Experience it before you agree to share, before you mentor, or sign up to teach it. Connect with all of your true Soul Being first. And express from that position first. Know that the experiences can be over a few lives...or eons and completed here and now with an expanded wisdom. Yet no matter the vehicle, create it with your own style and true personal passion. Blend your story with the wisdom of experiences and knowing. Offer your strange and unique expressions. That is authentic. That is mastery at its finest. And that is what feels real to me. And perhaps you too.

 'Embody ~ Express ~ Experience ~ Expand'



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