Real and Authentic Series: The State of Illusions ~ Commentary

The State of Illusions
Written by Margo Renay Sullivan
December 12, 2015

What is the Story of Illusions?  

In my perspective in both the linear and multi dimensional continuum or as scientists deem Quantum Worlds, our Imagination and Passion is the true conductor's baton of our frequency advancement. Inner contentment is vital to expanding beyond the original lessons we all designed on the stage. And yes, it is a vast and amazing masterpiece to participate in. The inner physics of cosmic languages 

have advanced in comprehension and thus, we have scripted well as the organic gifts we choose now to activate in our own being-light quotients.

Where did our Illusions and Story Lines begin? 

What most fear is the misuse of power...even though many cloak it with love. And some have simply forgotten for a while by choice. I suggested to the Illuminated One Sananda ~ also known to me as the 'Big Flying Rabbi' {I add a bit of humor here as he does love cosmic humor} ~ to clarify the statement that all is a Matrix of Illusions on Earth...and his precise and loving descriptions through many channels are truly simple yet filled with unexpressed wisdom from beyond.  In my own knowing, this wisdom from deep inside my heart arises again in those quiet moments. And I smile.

Over 15 years ago, I sat outside after swimming and spoke to Sananda across the veils about how our lives here on Earth are so often like a movie or play.  It was not considered  'spiritual' to say such nonsense.  Yet that is exactly how I felt.  I had a bit of experience with films and plays and live shows, so I used the human examples to share with the Cosmic Beings a modern day view. 

Those Masters of Earthly experience listened. Intently. For My Heart was speaking a truth. The movie is created and improvised every moment. A million timelines and story lines on a live stage that is constantly calling forth drama. A Theater of Learning. And what a Theater made of Love. And they smiled.

Who is the Creator of our Worlds?
'To look at your life and call it an illusion is to negate the incredible work you have done.  It has been explained that life is like a play that one creates then participates in.  Figuring out that you are in fact the author of your play and resuming the deep connection with your soul should not make you look upon life as an illusion but a masterpiece that you have created.

For those not ready to understand the significance of the hologram they have created, to be told their life is an illusion is harmful.  It is better to empower others to resuming their place as the authors of their play. To help them to see through the illusion of duality and victim hood and to understand that they are souls mastering their life.' 

~ Excerpt via Sananda {channeled and transcribed via Jenny Schiltz, Spiritual Channel}.

And the Masterpiece continues its evolution.


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