The Shift of the Ages
by Margo Renay Sullivan
November 11, 2016
November 11, 2016
From my inner knowledge of the Arch Angelic Realms and even releasing the Angel family ties to balance and create a Sovereign example, it is more than density in Atlantis. And it has been reaffirmed to and through me so often ~ over 3 decades now. It is not easy either!
My higher heart signs and sings the truth. Eons and Eons ago and long before the creation of this world, Energy was stuck and not evolving and at an impasse so to speak. And we were creating in those high realms without truly knowing its purpose or its impact in all vibes. So we as as galactic angels agreed to form a new dynamic that would slow down the process so we could experience creation IN ALL OF ITS FORMS....AND BASICALLY LEARN AND SOLVE THE IMPASSE. Our true selves all agreed and its was long before time was created and our vibes slowed down.
And so the ARC angelic families of all creation and types and forms gathered to solve this dilemma ~ a time of peace for the Stars. And so the Earth was imagined and the AA Gaia embraced its form later. For we needed to slow down the process of creation to understand wisely and with greater experiences in all to create and also allow flowing, expanding and growth.
And all worlds participated to create something so new and so wise, that star warriors would eventually learn peaceful creations...and so would the come. It was holographic by design yet duality and finite in its form.
The Ancient world of Atlantis and Lemuria was one of many of these slowed down creations...that truly served our Big Soul wisdom. The realization that control will not serve the whole of creation...nor will tampering with a design fashioned and added to by some of the most profound creators of the universe.
Those who choose to create chaos are also learning what does not work....So we stand firm yet allowing huge growth and flowing energy of expanding frequencies. We are maturing at this very moment. The Collective of Humanity is beginning its ascent and that is a miracle in itself. The whole is expanding.
This blue pearl is intended to be the Angelic School for learning Creation and how to master yourself. And it is working to evolve our consciousness as Creators ~ that is Multi dimensional Creators! I share this from my Sovereign knowing and my Being....made of LOVE.heart emoticon
I AM LOVE.... serving the House of Maries....Gabriel...and Michael...{Mara or Maries means Council of teachers for the Creation Pillars} as One.
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