What is Happening to this World?
What is Happening to this World?
Margo Renay Sullivan
To be clear and simple, the all new evolutionary keys and codes are being unleashed and it hits those with expanded vibes-frequencies instantly...and every sense is alerted and tossed around on this inner ocean. For those not yet fully aware by choice and frequency, it feels like these 'people' are crazy and not 'Real' and should get a life..please!
I hear you. And I understand...however, the entirety of the PLANET has shifted and is shifting its position and that creates a change...for all here. The Planet includes all life forms...from ants to trees to flowers to humans to food to water to art and to money just to name a few of them.
All of these creations have a vibe or frequency that flows together. Its not different than this platform called the Internet. Yet with this ongoing upgrading and downloading and redesigning and new beta software coming quickly online {smiles}, all of it is in flux and change. Watch for some very unlikely and amazing miracles also unfolding...diverse and quiet stunning!
~ Margo Renay Sullivan ~
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