Q~Style Creative Series: The Fresh Eyes Perspective

Q~Style Creative Series:
The Fresh Eyes Approach ~ Quantum Style Living 
Created and Written by Margo Renay Sullivan
Originally Posted January 2009

As we enter this new age of experiences in the time and space of 2015, our eyes no longer view the world with a limited perception. The vast amount of consciousness now shifting to remove the old views of our lives is unfolding on all levels. I equate my experiences to sitting in a multiplex film theater and running from movie to movie as each one starts and ends at different moments. In my experiences, it has evolved into so many choices and preferences, the mind is overwhelmed...and our Consciousness is thriving. 

Tremendous Patience is required in adjusting as The Soul Presence works in unison with the Human Consciousness as One...it is New to both. Now imagine moving from 'vibrational' energy to expansive~expanding Quantum New Energy. PHEW! is Right!

Newborn Innocent Perception

As a newborn of innocent perception, the entirety needs to patiently learn how to feel and create within new energies. Now imagine those new energies are so new it has never been experienced before. We are birthing an all new energy, not a modified or higher or better model ~ A new model of Light ~ Quantum Energies in the physical worlds. We must perceive each and every moment with fresh eyes ~ new eyes from the heart.

When we see through fresh eyes ~ these energies can emerge and take form through your Soul Presence within you. The Soul Presence and the Human are learning to work in unison (or as your human consciousness sees it ~ trying to). All of your Creations of your Soul on all Cosmic Levels are birthing this new energy as well.

Fresh Eyes Approach To Innocent Perception

Practice using your intuitive fresh eyes on very simple simple perceptions and daily interactions. As a current example, 'old energy' eyes sees no action...silence from The Leaders. And the unknown creates a scene of what has been known in each of our experiences ~ high seas drama.

"The Leaders are arrested and in chaos...probably abandoned the sinking ship...left us to drift on without a clue...and no one knows what to do or how to solve the "problems".

We must chuckle at our silly silly human selves as we imagine the worst of the worst. This is a feeling that all have experienced in some lifetime or at some point within the cosmos or even in this lifetime.And the rest of humanity's consciousness is feeling the same or even more dramatic ~ Help! Save Us! Come Fix Us! Tell us what to do!

Fresh Eyes takes a Deep Deep Breath...maybe even two or three, eh? And then listens. First, that dominating voice or voices step forward and pulls up those old energy stories. Take another breath and listen again. No knee jerk reactions.Breath again and Your Soul Presence (who loves you very much) enters the stage-and immediately sees with fresh eyes the vast opportunities and possibilities...to come together...to share and practice by example.To begin in this small community of consciousness avatars, to actually be the example  ~ actively and interactively to create together in a whole new energy. Not defined by one age, culture, race, politics, gender, star system, or universe-for in truth, we are defined by all of them as we have experienced all of them.

Small steps at first? Perhaps. A Dress Rehearsal? Perhaps. An Example? No Doubt or Question.

The Maturity of Innocent Perception~Quantum Style

Innocent Perception~Quantum style surrounds you. Every moment you are surrounded by millions of opportunities and choices instantly that are lit up or enlightened by your light particles (also known as adamantine particles). Now imagine an Ocean without waves and yet it moves. We can't drown in this ocean. Unless of course, we drown in our collective passions as we begin to really birth such unparalleled and unbound Source Energies on this New Earth.

Keep It Simple. Practice inviting your Soul Presence to Create With You and To Channel With You! Feel and See this New Unison with Innocent Perception and Fresh Eyes. You See, that is what WE are lovingly experiencing and practicing in this community. Why not practice as Master Creators?...Sovereign and Yet One. No Compromises.

Right Now? Right Now.

I AM sending Waves of Immense Energy Commanded With Love, Smiles, Laughter and Golden Divine Light...in natural Quantum New Energy design and most importantly, consciously by choice.


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