Creative Confidence Series {10} So What is This I AM Really Mean? How Do I Get Some?

Creative Confidence Series {10}
So What is This I AM Really Mean?
How Do I Get Some?
by Margo Renay Sullivan

When You ask Who Am I? Or you hear others insist in every language and across all dimensions: I AM. I AM THAT I AM. Here is the simplicity and wisdom of  Presence. Breathe it. Feel it.  Its alive and its consciousness. It begins with inner trust. It continues naturally with a smile, with laughter, and simplicity. It expresses with no conditions. It chooses and expands the Experience of Life. In love with Life. All of Life. All of Creation. I AM Presence.

The Reflection of Our Presence  
An excerpt from a Message from ÄÄMichael.

AAM: Because now you are at a place — and when I am saying this I am saying you, beloved {Steve Beckow} — are at a place of integration. And when we say the integrated self, we mean all the pieces — your soul design, all your aspects, your oversoul; your highest self, your inter-dimensional self; all beings that have exhibited elsewhere, shall we say, yo...ur mental, your emotional, your psychic, your etheric and your physical; your ego, your personality; everything you can think of that has been and is a part of thee, is all of you.

 They are not separated. They are bigger — you are bigger — than you imagine. But when it comes to this place of integration, it is working harmoniously as one unified being. So it is not that the choice of your higher self would be different than the desires or actions of your human current self or the parts of you that you have called back to yourself, that have been from other realities or dimensions. 

~ via Linda Dillon from AA Michael 

{gift to Steve Beckow-October 11, 2011}~

Original Source
© Margo Renay Sullivan; 2012


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